Next Sunday, October 28th will be the sixth It's My Park Day for Volunteers for Isham Park!
As for the fall IMPD VIP held two years ago, the date we chose, Sunday the 28th, is the closest day to Halloween, All Souls or All Saints Day. (See the VIP blog post for October 31, 2010.)
Also, since bulbs were distributed last Sunday, October 21st, by New Yorkers for Parks, VIP chose next Sunday, October 28th, 10am to 1pm for It's My Park Day bulb planting in Isham Park.
There will be 550+Daffodils from NYers for Parks + many Partnerships for Parks provided bulbs, such as Tulips, Allium, and Spanish Bluebells, so we are hoping to see as many out for the planting as possible.
Kate Gluzberg, Out reach Coordinator for Partnerships for Parks will be on site to work with us.
Family (adult) supervised children are also welcome to assist!
We will meet on the steps above the Ginkgo Tree at the southeast entrance to Isham Park above Isham Street. Planting will begin there (at the former site of the Isham Estate Gardener's Lodge) and
progress up the hill along the paths and to the memorial and its lower terrace.
We hope to plant any remaining bulb in Cooper Street/Park Terrace West tree pits or along sidewalks, including the Margin Garden.
See Spanish language poster below.

Thank you and hope to see you in Isham Park next Sunday morning -
Volunteers for Isham Park