Thursday, October 23, 2014

Update on Archeology in Isham Park from NYC Parks

Isham Park update, Oct. 20, 2014
Excavation work on the water service improvement project ceased operations last week after oyster shells surfaced at the former site of the Isham estate near Park Terrace East road, indicating possible presence of archaeological resources.  Parks researched the history of soil disturbance in the park and met on site with Amanda Sutphin, Director of Archaeology at NYC Landmarks who determined the visible areas of excavation did not contain any significant resources. 

Ms. Sutphin requested that Parks adopt an Unanticipated Discoveries Plan to guide the contractor’s employees and Park’s onsite construction supervisors in the event that something significant is found during future excavations.  The site is historically important for Native American and Revolutionary War activities although its development as an estate in the late 19th century, and as a park in the early 20th century, are presumed to have altered the earlier conditions. 

The Unanticipated Discoveries Plan will serve as a guiding document for excavations conducted on-site and require work to cease, and LPC to be consulted, should any archaeological resources surface during construction.  

Jennifer M. Hoppa
Administrator Northern Manhattan Parks
   Executive Director Fort Tryon Park Trust
   Fort Tryon Park Cottage
   741 Fort Washington Avenue
   New York, NY 10040

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