Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I.S. 52 Band & Chorus at Isham Park's Centennial!!!

When last Saturday September 29th began with clouds and occasional rain droplets falling, we wondered if I.S. 52's Inwood Tiger Band and Heavenly Voices Chorus would be able to march as scheduled... 

I.S. 52 Inwood Tiger Band on Broadway before their march into Isham Park
At about 10:45am, James Renner, CB12 Manhattan's Official Historian, called to say the band was on Broadway near the former entrance to the Isham estate.  The show would now go on! Descendants of Julia Isham Taylor's family had also just arrived!

Just down the block in front of the stone entrance gate on Broadway, two mounted NYC Police Officers were in position to lead the parade.
At 11:00am, the parade began, building excitement as it went along the curved path - which began its existence as a carriage drive on the land when it was developed in the early 1850s by the Ferris family - up the steep slope to the level lawns at the top of the park where a stage and chairs had been set up by NYC Parks.  On September 28, 1912, this location was still the site of the Isham family residence, which was the anchor of the events on that day.

Isham residence, Archives of NYC Parks
Mr. Brian Moore, Music Instructor and Band Director at I.S. 52, lead the band behind a student faithfully holding its yellow and black banner.  In fact, Mr. Moore wore an all black suit and shirt with a bright yellow tie to sync with the school's uniforms.  The band was AWESOME!   Fueled by doughnuts and juice provided by the Rotary Club of Inwood's tireless representative Kyla Williams, they marched to the stage and performed several numbers. 
Mr. Brian Moore directs I.S. 52s Inwood Tiger Band in Isham Park

Then the Heavenly Voices Chorus, under the direction of Ms. Natasha Bracey, sang.  The band and chorus then departed as it had arrived, leaving the field open for speakers, other performers, and a variety of activities for children.

For the centennial, Volunteers for Isham Park placed laminated history posters throughout the park to share some of the many news articles and images about Isham Park that have been gathered over the past three years.
VIP history sign, at the Broadway entrance, describes the historic Mile Post.

At the time it was given, Isham Park had a transformative effect on Inwood, its neighborhood in northern Manhattan...see the next post for more on Isham Park's Centennial and its history!

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